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Advice and Support
At HRC, we can offer you lots of support during your time with us.
Information Team
Our friendly Information Team handle all of our general student enquiries regarding applications, entry requirements, travel and more. You can contact our Information Team on 01992 411411 or info@hrc.ac.uk.Contactable Hours: Monday – Thursday | 9am – 4:30pm & Fridays | 9am – 4pm
Financial Support
We have a dedicated Financial Support team who are on hand at every stage of your learning journey to provide information and guidance on payment plans, course fee information and loans or to answer any finance-related questions you may have. More information can be found on our Financial Support page here.
Learning Support
If you feel you may need additional support with your course or have learning difficulties and/or a disability, our specialist Learning Support Team can provide you with learning solutions or specialist equipment to meet your specific needs.
In addition, we offer specialised courses designed to prepare young people with severe learning difficulties for the responsibilities of adulthood. You can read more about these courses here.
Please click here for more information regarding Learning Support at HRC
Contact Details for the Learning Support Team
Learning Support Manager: Gemma Hilton – 01992 411899 / ghilton@hrc.ac.uk
Admin Team Lead: Sue Mcleod – 01992 411365/ smcleod@hrc.ac.uk
Learning Support Administrator: Tracy May – 01992 411499/ tmay@hrc.ac.uk
Exam Access Arrangements: Faye Davies – 01992 411846/ fdavies@hrc.ac.uk
SEND Assessor: Sue Tarbuck – 01992 411908 / starbuck@hrc.ac.uk
SEND Assessor: Jackie Lord – 01992 411422 / jlord@hrc.ac.uk
EHCP Coordinator: Kaye Garrett – 01992 411884 / kgarrett@hrc.ac.uk
EHCP Coordinator: Donna Freeman – 01992 411316/ dfreeman@hrc.ac.uk
Learning Support Coordinator: Louise Rice – 01992 411672/ lrice@hrc.ac.uk
LLDD Support Team Leader: Debbie Fox – 01992 411854 / dfox@hrc.ac.uk
Transition Support Worker: Katarzyna Cuske-Karnowska – 01992 411 359 / kcuskekarnowska@hrc.ac.uk
Transition Support Worker: Karen Stephenson – 01992 411 853 / kstephenson@hrc.ac.uk
Welfare and Counselling
We have professional counsellors and welfare advisers who offer confidential advice and counselling for students.
They are available to offer free and independent information, advice, guidance and support for all learners with issues such as homelessness, bullying, family concerns and disciplinary concerns.
You can contact the team on the details below:
Welfare Advisers:
Maria Kellatti (Broxbourne Campus)
01992 411420 or 07701 286589
Robin Spicer (Ware Campus)
01992 411974 or 07968 421711
Counselling Service:
Email counselling@hrc.ac.uk to book an appointment.
Careers Advice
Our team of qualified careers advisers can provide confidential and impartial advice from initial course selection and progression to interview guidance and adult careers advice. To read more about how we can offer you advice, click here.
You can contact our Careers Advisers on the details below:
Kate Hill – 01992 411607
Suzanne Santurri – 01992 411758
Safeguarding at HRC
We are committed to the safeguarding and welfare of our students. We provide and maintain a friendly and safe learning environment for all of our learners. We act immediately on any concerns that a student might have in relation to bullying, abuse, neglect, harassment or if they feel in anyway unsafe.
All of our staff are trained in safeguarding and we have a dedicated safeguarding team who can be contact via safeguardingteam@hrc.ac.uk
Enrichment at HRC
In addition to your chosen course of study the HRC Enrichment programme provides experiences and opportunities to develop your skill set, attain other qualifications and better your general wellbeing. You will be able to work with like-minded students to share hobbies and interests, making a difference to your college life. Overall this commitment will broaden your educational experience and provide vital evidence to improve your employment prospects.
Mental Health Support
If you or someone you know is struggling with your Mental Health, we have a range of services to support. Please click here for further information.
National Support Service
We are partnered with the National Support Service who provide lots of advice for anyone looking for support. Please click here for further information.