a man fixing a pipe connection on a radiator

Plumbing & Gas Qualifications

Based at our partner site, CK Assessment and Training, our Plumbing and Gas courses are ideal for anyone looking to join the highly skilled trade.

Let’s find your fit

Courses Available

College 16 - 19

4 courses

University Level


male apprentice

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Adult Learners


Why study here?

Our Plumbing and Gas courses are in partnership with CK Assessment and Training who provide exceptional on-site facilities and a team of tutors and assessors with years of industry experience. Courses focus on giving students the expertise, facilities and structure needed to succeed in the trade. Tutors work closely with local employers to create work experience opportunities, enabling students to gain valuable real-life experience alongside their qualifications.

Take a look around

Our Plumbing and Gas courses offer many opportunities for your future career goals, whether you are looking to go straight into employment, or to combine education and work with an apprenticeship.


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