Financial Support

We have a dedicated Financial Support team who are on hand at every stage of your learning journey to provide information and guidance on payment plans, course fee information, Advanced Learner Loans, and to answer any student fees or payment-related questions you may have.

Do you need help with costs of coming to college?

At HRC, we understand that college can be expensive, so we have various kinds of financial support that you may be eligible for. If you are interested in applying for financial support with us, please pop into one of our information centres where friendly and qualified staff will be able to guide you through the application process. Our application form is available below, which can be printed at home, or you can collect an application form from our Information Centre.

If you have any further questions please call us on 01992 411411 or email us at

Bursary Application Form & Guidance for 16-18, 19+
and Advanced Learner Loans Bursary

Bursary application forms for 2024/25 are now available.

Click here for Bursary Guidance

Click here for a Bursary Application Form

Please note that applications can only be submitted once you have Enrolled on a programme of study at Hertford Regional College for the academic year. We cannot accept Bursary applications prior to your enrolment.

Bursaries, Loans and Hardship Funding

16-19 Bursary Fund

The 16-19 Bursary Fund provides financial support to help students overcome the specific financial barriers to participation they face so they can remain in education.

Bursary funding is to help eligible students with costs such as travel to and from college, to buy course essential books, equipment, specialist clothing, kit and uniform items that the students would otherwise need to pay for to participate.

The application is assessed on Household Income and actual individual needs to participate in their programme of study.

Bursary funding cannot be provided to support living costs, extra-curricular or non-compulsory activities, provide learning support such as counselling, mentoring or extra tuition.

For further information on Bursary funding available please view our Bursary Fund Guidance here.

Students applying for 16-19 Bursary Funding must meet the residency criteria as stated in the Bursary Guidance.

19+ Bursary Fund

The 19+ Bursary Fund provides financial support to help students overcome the specific financial barriers to participation they face so they can remain in education.

Bursary funding is to help eligible students with costs such as travel to and from college, to buy course essential books, equipment, specialist clothing, kit and uniform items that the students would otherwise need to pay for to participate.

The application is assessed on Household Income and actual individual needs to participate in their programme of study.

Bursary funding cannot be provided to support living costs, extra-curricular or non-compulsory activities, provide learning support such as counselling, mentoring or extra tuition.

For further information on Bursary funding available please view our Bursary Fund Guidance here.

Students applying for 19+ Bursary Funding must meet the residency criteria as stated in the Bursary Guidance.

20+ Childcare Fund

20+ Childcare guidance and applications forms are available from our Information Centres.

Childcare Guidance and Forms are available from The Information Centre, please contact 01992 411411 or email for further information.

Care to Learn Childcare Funding

A national scheme is also available to help fund childcare for young learners ages 16 – 20 studying on an eligible course.

For more information please visit

Advanced Learner Loans

If your household income is under £25,000 gross, you may be able to apply for the Advanced Learner Loans Bursary.

If you would like further information, contact the Information Team directly on 01992 411411.

Help With Travel Costs

All eligible students aged 16-21 and enrolled on a full-time programme of study, can apply directly to the Information Centre to purchase termly Hertfordshire and non-Hertfordshire bus passes at a fixed termly rate. Terms and conditions apply. Hertfordshire students are required to provide a valid Herts Saver Card in order for their pass to be issued by HRC.

Please contact the Information Centre for further advice via email on or call us directly 01992 411411

Do you use the Arriva Bus?

At Hertford Regional College we can provide you with discounted termly bus passes with the Arriva Bus.

The Arriva bus pass is available to eligible students at a subsidised rate for Hertfordshire and Non-Hertfordshire residents. The Hertfordshire Saver card will give you 50% off bus travel in Hertfordshire is available to all eligible students up to the age of 19 (or if you are 18 before 31st August 2024 enrolment).

You can purchase your Bus Pass at our Information Centre on campus. Once purchased your Bus Pass is active immediately, and can be used during Term Time 7 days a week.

The cost of the termly ticket

Lea Valley termly bus pass £221.00 Autumn Term.

All Zones termly bus pass £301.75.00 Autumn Term.

(If you live in Hertfordshire you are required to purchase a Herts Saver Card click here).

You can apply for the HCC Saver online or download the paper application form from click here.

Get around for £2 with Arriva!

Until December 2024, a single bus journey with Arriva will cost no more than £2 – making coming to college easier for you. Click here to find out more.

Please speak to the Information Team for further advise on discounted termly bus passes.

Free Breakfast

All our students can start each day of study with a free breakfast. Served between 8:15 am and 8:45 am, students will have a choice from:

  • Bacon or sausage bap
  • Cereal and a piece of fruit
  • Yoghurt pot and a piece of fruit
  • Two slices of toast

All options are served with a hot beverage.

(Our free breakfast is provided by the college, and is not provided through bursary funding)

Free Meals for Further Education Students Aged 16-18

Free meals are available for students who are in receipt of, or have parents who are in receipt of one or more of the following benefits:

  • Income support
  • Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Support under part IV of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • The guarantee element of State Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit (provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit) and they have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190, as assessed by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs.
  • Universal Credit

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