Home » Policies & Procedures » Publication Scheme
Who we are and what we do
Location and Contact Details
Broxbourne Campus
EN10 6AE
Ware Campus
London Road
SG12 9JF
Tel: 01992 411400
Principal and CEO: Tony Medhurst
Clerk to the Corporation: Jayne Chaplin
FOI contact: Olive Oliver – hrcfoi@hrc.ac.uk
Legal Framework
Legal Status ‐ conferred by the Further and Higher Education Act 1992
Hertford Regional College Instruments & Articles of Government – Corporation Standing Orders
Partner Organisations
Please request by email hrcfoi@hrc.ac.uk
Student Activities
Please request by email hrcfoi@hrc.ac.uk
2. What we spend and how we spend it
For requests relating to the below, please email hrcfoi@hrc.ac.uk
3. What our priorities are and how we are doing
For requests relating to the below, please email hrcfoi@hrc.ac.uk
4. How we make decisions
For requests relating to the below, please email hrcfoi@hrc.ac.uk
5. Our policies and procedures
Policies relating to the below can be found in the column to the right
For requests relating to the below, please email hrcfoi@hrc.ac.uk
6. Lists and registers
For requests relating to the below, please contact hrcfoi@hrc.ac.uk
Asset registers
Disclosure logs
7. The services we offer
Please refer to the main part of our website.