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Complaints Against The Corporation
If you have cause for complaint, please follow our complaints procedure
In the event of a complaint against the Corporation, a member of the Corporation or the Clerk to the Corporation:
1. A complaint against the Corporation, a member of the Corporation or the Clerk to the Corporation may be made by an individual, business or an organisation.
2. Complaints against the Corporation or a member of the Corporation should preferably be made in writing and addressed to:
The Clerk to the Corporation
Hertford Regional College
London Road
SG12 9JF
3. The complaint should state clearly the nature of the complaint and, if appropriate, provide copies of any related documentation. The complainant should also state the remedy they are seeking.
4. The Clerk to the Corporation will: acknowledge receipt of the complaint without delay, investigate the complaint, endeavour to provide a response to the complaint within four weeks and, if this is not possible, provide the complainant with an interim statement.
5. The written response of the Clerk to the Corporation will include details of any arrangements for pursuing the matter with an independent body (see paragraph 10 below).
6. The Clerk to the Corporation will keep the Chair informed of the situation and will provide the Corporation with a written statement of the nature of the complaint and the response at the next Corporation meeting. Such a report shall be circulated to members within ten working days of the response of the Clerk to the complainant so that members are aware of the situation.
7. When carrying out an investigation on a complaint against the Corporation or an individual member of the Corporation the Clerk to the Corporation will have the authority to refer issues to the Corporation’s auditors (external and/or internal) or other appropriate advisers.
8. A complaint against the Clerk to the Corporation shall be forwarded to the Chairman of the Corporation for investigation and response. Letters for the attention of the Chair of the Corporation should be addressed to:
The Chair of the Corporation
Hertford Regional College
London Road
SG12 9JF
9. The approach to be adopted by the Chair of the Corporation in investigating and responding to a complaint will be the same as that outlined above with regard to complaints against the Corporation and individual members of the Corporation.
10. If a complainant is not satisfied with the outcome of their complaint, they may write to the Education & Skills Funding Agency (ESFA).However, the ESFA will not normally deal with complaints unless they have been first registered under the College complaints procedure, and the complainant is dissatisfied with the College investigation of the complaint or the redress offered. The ESFA has a formal procedure for considering complaints against the Corporation, or against individual Members, and these should be addressed to the:
The Complaints Team
Cheylesmore House
Quinton Road
If a complaint received is considered justified the ESFA may make recommendations to the College to prevent the situation happening again. Any recommendation made will be followed up by the ESFA.