Term Dates 2024-25

College Term Dates 2024-2025

Autumn Term 2024                                                                                                                                                

  • Term Starts: Monday 2nd September
  • Staff CPD Day: Friday 25th October (College closed to students)
  • Half-Term: Monday 28th October – Friday 1st November
  • Term Ends: Friday 20th December


Spring Term 2025                                                                                                                                              

  • Staff CPD Day: Monday 6th January (College closed to students)
  • Term Starts: Tuesday 7th January
  • Staff CPD Day: Thursday 13th February (College closed to students)
  • All Staff Conference: Friday 14th February (College closed to students)
  • Half-Term: Monday 17th February – Friday 21st February
  • Term Ends: Friday 4th April


Summer Term 2025                                                                                                                                           

  • Term Starts: Tuesday 22nd April
  • Bank Holiday: Monday 5th May
  • Half-Term: Monday 26th May – Friday 30th May
  • Term Ends: Friday 20th June


New Student Day: Thursday 3rd July

If you would like to speak to us call our Information Team on 01992 411411


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