Learning for Living (RARPA) Yr 1

Course Code
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Ware Campus
Study Mode
Full Time

This is a fun, interesting and practical course for young people with severe and moderate learning difficulties and/or disabilities (SLD/MLD). The course provides a great way to prepare for adult life, community participation and work related skills. Practising and developing communication, social and personal independence skills that will support your future. We will support you and make sure you have the communication skills you need to demonstrate your talents, and be assertive in demonstrating your life preferences and choices.

What makes this Learning for Living course unique?

  • You will work towards employment.
    All students will access work experience either ‘on site’ or in the community. College students are supported to volunteer in areas where they feel comfortable and happy whilst they mix with members of the local community. Examples are The Listening Place, The Grange, charity shops, and on-site placements within other Departments or within our own completing projects such as #LitterHeroes and the Flower Enterprise project. You will gain confidence in the community and explore your interests.
  • You will work towards good health.
    In Health and Wellbeing you will explore different ways to keep fit and healthy. You will take part in differentiated exercise or enrichment and be able to choose you like and suits you. Some of these will be in the community and some will be on-site. We will make links with your local providers to help you attend exercise classes in your local area where possible. We also focus on personal hygiene and healthy eating.
  • You will work towards independence.
    Communication is everything. We focus on supporting you to extend your communication, however you choose to communicate. We support Makaton, Proloquo2go, eye gaze, other augmentative communication and speech with a view to increase vocabulary. We use strategies to help you maximise your independence in practical tasks, as well as handling money and using number where appropriate. We will read Sensory Stories and Story Massage where appropriate to enable active participation for all abilities.
  • You will work towards community inclusion.
    Community Inclusion is also high on our agenda. Many sessions will take place in the community. We use public transport where appropriate to ensure you develop confidence in using different modes of transport. We uses shops and local facilities to ensure all you experiences are set in ‘real life’ and support you to be not full included but also contribute to our local community where possible. Inclusion and Diversity are high on our agenda and all groups will visit some key places that represent different cultures to provide a wider understanding our diverse community and enjoy the sensory experiences that they provide.
  • You will work towards making positive friendships and relationships.
    A college day is a busy day. You will be working closely with your peers and support staff and tutors in your class. You tutor and supports will enable you to practise your friendship choices and, for example, accompany you to buy lunch in town with a friend. We also have a closely monitored safe Facebook group where you can learn to use Facebook safely with support and stay in touch with your friends during term time. Your Personal Tutor is in close contact with your parents/carers at all times and will arrange meeting with you and your social worker to you have activities to go after college ends to ensure you will maintain your active lifestyle and the friendships you made whilst you were at college.
  • Class groups are small to aid learning.
  • Timetables and activities are differentiated to meet your needs and interests, wherever possible.
What our students say

Student parent: “I am delighted with all the work you’re doing with H and the communication progress is amazing” (March 2018)

Our Retention, Attendance and Achievement are always high as courses are designed to teach Pathways for Adulthood and Personal Tutors are in close contact with parents/carers to support each individual to be successful.

Learning for Living; a course for Sensory and Practical Learning.This is a programme for young people with severe learning difficulties whose priority it is to develop their communication skills, increase participation and develop the social, person and practical skills they need to live as independently as possible in the future. Learners are supported to find ways to communicate their choice regarding community participation and/or possible work options.Students are assigned a personal tutor who will stay with you for the duration of the course where possible. The course is 4 day week. The following Courses will be assessed in terms of completion and level of independence: One day with your personal tutor who will monitor your personal targets and address personal learning needs such as money skills and communication, or any other individual targets. We endeavouring to foster links with community provision in preparation for leaving college.One day of Healthy Living and Enrichment (a choice of art/craft, sport, ICT, music).One day of Vocational Options – a choice of art, woodland management (off-site), café, horticulture, Lea Valley Park Farm (off-site), Lea Valley Conservation and drama to explore learners vocational and work interests.One day is a Community Day where learners are using public transport and different services and facilities in the community. This is to develop their independence, confidence and ability to choose and communicate their choices
We use a two tiered assessment:
  • Some students will have support in their transition to College by a Post 16 Transition Support Worker and an SLD Transition Support Worker.
  • We assess and monitor your ECHP Targets and support your EHCP review and update your Educational Targets
  • We assess and monitor your Course Targets and keep your work in your folders.
  • You will get a Certificate after completion of your course each year.
Assessment is portfolio based and continually recognises and records progress and achievement throughout the year.
  • A4 note pad, pen, memory stick and appropriate clothing for outdoor activities.
  • Please be advised that this is a fee to cover the general cost of curriculum delivery both in and out of the classroom. Our curriculum is wide a varied and also includes opportunities to visit and experience learning out of the classroom in real life environments. This is not always free and there are costs involved when providing safety equipment, travel and other resources. Each course has been costed separately and some may vary from one another due to resource requirements.
  • Following a successful application and course offer you will receive further course information regarding permission for trips and visits including media consent. Delay in receipt of this will cause a delay in the participation of off site activities
If you think you would benefit from financial support we have bursary options available for those who meet the criteria. Please note, this funding is not guaranteed and is subject to availability at the time of application. If you would like financial support, contact our Information Team on 01992 411411 or
  • Upon completion of an application, all learners will be invited along with a parent/carer/guardian to attend an interview where the learner will be introduced to the college (some learners may already be familiar with the college and its facilities). This is an opportunity for all interested parties to view our facilities, meet other members of staff and ask any questions. There are no formal entry requirements as individual diagnostic assessments will be carried out to assess learners’ needs, levels and suitability for the course.
  • There are no formal entry requirements but your ability will be assessed individually to ensure your needs can be met within course offer.
If you’d like help understanding our entry requirements, give our Information Team a call on 01992 411411
Please be advised that there is a fee to cover the general cost of curriculum delivery both in and out of the classroom. Our curriculum is wide a varied and also includes opportunities to visit and experience learning out of the classroom in real life environments. As I am sure you are aware this is not always free and there are costs involved when providing safety equipment, travel and other resources. Each course has been costed separately and some may vary from one another due to resource requirements.If you are having difficulties paying due to financial hardship please contact HRC Information Centre on 01992 411411
When you enrol on Learning for Living after having been at school, you will find that at College you grow into a confident young adult with your views and talents and friendships groups. College offers you a unique and fun route into your own local community and will support you every step of the way. As soon as you show signs of independence and confidence your support will take a step back and let you flourish and be yourself whilst always being there when you need help.College will encourage you to contribute to your community and support you to develop yourself into an all-round, fun, confident, open minded, active and healthy individual who is attractive to Community placements and voluntary work.Activities that support your development are:
  • Travel training – Travel trainer work with young people from Hertford Regional College and North Hertfordshire College.
  • Work experience appropriate to your ability from working onsite in our learning centre or canteen, in our local community in a variety of shops and businesses and further afield in placements of choice.
  • Trips for fun organised by you, educational trips to local services and facilities and community provisions, and trips to promote diversity and British Values. These include going bowling, Thorpe Park, Winter Wonderland, local theatre performances and Bhakitvedanta Temple in Watford.
  • The opportunity to continue with sports at our local Sports Centre if this is your choice. Enrichment opportunities are Music, Computing or craft. At Christmas time the Department hosts our very own “Millbrook’s Got Talent” when students are encouraged to perform their own act, which is generally followed by a student disco.
  • We have themed days such as Pet days, Diversity days, Student Development days and the Sunflower Café provides a Christmas lunch for the Department which is a lovely day where we all eat together.
  • A variety of on or offsite vocational options from cutting down trees in our woodland management program to helping feed the birds of prey in our farm option and if you are more creative how about designing the sets for and appearing in a show in art or drama.
  • Hosting visitors and visiting places in the community such as Guide dogs for the Blind, Fire Service, Community Police, Herts Air Ambulance, First Aid trainers.
  • The opportunity to learn about Mindfulness, relaxation techniques, Story Massage and meditation.

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Learning for Living (RARPA) Yr 1
2025-09-01 00:00:00.000
Available for applications

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