Level 3 Foundation Diploma in Art and Design (18+ only)
This course helps students to bridge the gap between their Level 3 study and the Level 4 study of universities. Students on the course will learn a variety of industry skills, as well as learning to challenge pre-conceptions of what art can be, how to take risks and make exciting and innovative work. Students on […]
Level 3 Art and Design (Fine Art)
This course will provide students with the opportunity to experience and learn new skills in a range of art specialisms in fine art including, drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, textiles, photography, illustration, installation and art history. Students will be taught to research, develop, experiment and reflect to support individual ideas and project work. The course will […]
Level 3 Art and Design (Fashion & Textiles)
This course will cover visual studies, drawing and mixed media techniques, fashion illustration, textile studies, historical and contemporary studies, pattern and garment production and upcycling, styling and photographing the end product. Students will also learn how to construct a garment from design stage to specification drawing, through to pattern development and garment production, as well […]
Level 2 Art and Design
This course will introduce students to a wide range of Art and Design techniques across a variety of different mediums. Students will learn to build the skills needed to effectively develop creative ideas, research concepts and analyse their work, as well as learning to be able to adapt to an ever-changing design world. This course […]
Level 1 Art and Design
This course is designed to provide an opportunity for those with an interest in art, design and media to explore materials, methods and processes that support many art, design and media activities and to begin to develop related skills. Students will start to learn skills in drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, animation, printmaking, textiles and art […]