picture of three girls all studying around a lapop

Access to HE

An Access to Higher Education (HE) Diploma is a qualification that prepares students (aged 19+) to study at degree level. Whether your current qualifications do not fit with your desired career path, or you have not achieved a Level 3 qualification, an Access to Higher Education Diploma can help you to reach your desired career destination.


Let’s find your fit

Courses Available

College 16 - 19
University Level
male apprentice
Adult Learners

Why study here?

At HRC we offer Access to Higher Education courses in Nursing and Midwifery and Psychosocial Studies which are ideal if you are looking to go to university and start a career in areas including nursing, midwifery, social work, psychology and much more. Our experienced tutors are committed to helping you to achieve your career goals, with our Access to HE tutor, Julia, winning the “Gateway Qualifications Access to HE Tutor of the Year Award 2023” for her hard work and dedication to her students.

Access to HE courses offered at HRC

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Need more

There is no upper age limit for our Access to HE courses, nor do you need any UCAS points. Students will be in college for approximately two days a week, completing a combination of classroom-based study as well as additional blended/home learning, making the courses ideal for anyone looking for the flexibility of part-time learning. Our Access to HE courses are delivered by experienced tutors and result in students achieving an Access Diploma which attracts 60 credits. You will also receive support throughout the whole process of completing UCAS forms, personal statements and applications for university.


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