Level 3 Engineering

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Broxbourne Campus
Study Mode
Full Time

This qualification focuses on practical skills and knowledge. This ensures that when the learner completes the qualification, they will have gained practical experience and some expectation of some of the situations that they could face in a job role within the engineering sector. It covers the advanced level knowledge and understanding of a broad range of engineering competencies and has been developed in consultation with colleges, training associations and industry to ensure that it meets the needs of the engineering sector.

The qualification covers a wide range of subjects including health and safety, electrical engineering, computer aided design, mathematics, fabrication and welding, communication engineering, and milling turning and machining.
Practical work and internal testing – this may be externally verified.
You must provide your own boots and overalls. You may also be asked to buy a recommended text book.
    4 GCSE’s A*- C with a minimum C Grade in Maths, English and Science.
Free to those under 19 on 31st August 2022.If you will be over 19 on 31 August 2022 please contact our Information Centre on 01992 411411 or email
As a full time student, you will have the chance to take part in additional activities alongside your main programme. You can also take part in our enrichment programme, which includes sport, foreign languages and a range of other activities.
On successful completion of the course, you will have gained the necessary skills and qualifications to take up employment in the area of engineering and manufacturing.

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Level 3 Engineering
2025-09-01 00:00:00.000
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